The Great Lakes Adiban hosted two panels at the 2023 International Congress on Medieval Studies, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, May 11–13. The following papers were presented:

343. Translation in Islamicate Contexts: Portals, Frames, and Epistemes

  • Persian Kings and Islamic Lovers in Mughal Poetic Ramayana Translations: Ayelet Kotler, Univ. of Chicago
  • Translating Love: The Indo-Persian Masnavi: Hallie Nell Swanson, Univ. of Pennsylvania
  • When (Not) to Translate the Arabic Works on Literary Theory: The Late Emergence of the Persian Maʿānī Branch of Rhetoric: Alessia Dal Bianco, Univ. degli Studi di Roma La Sapienza!

432. Prosimetrum in Islamicate Literatures: Bridges, Representations, and Dialogues

  • The Queen Unveiled: Gender Performativity in an Early Modern Deccan Sultanate Masnavi: Namrata B. Kanchan, Univ. of Texas at Austin
  • Poetry and Prose off the Silk Road: The Case of a Multilingual Gravestone from Fourteenth-Century Armenia: Michael Pifer, Univ. of Michigan–Ann Arbor
  • The Khataynameh (Book of China) as a Prosimetrum: Verse and Cross-Cultural Contact in the Persian Cosmopolis: Kaveh L. Hemmat, Benedictine Univ.